Artificial Intelligence, Writing, and Editing (Part 4): AI Writing Copilots

AI has really come into the writing mainstream over the last two years, causing great excitement and anxiety. Here at CDWC, we are following these developments with great interest. We […]

The Existential Pleasures of Getting Edited and Coached

A reflection on how editing and coaching helps support a growth mindset to make writing easier and more fulfilling.

Artificial Intelligence, Writing, and Editing: A “Conversation” with ChatGPT

In which we “interview” ChatGPT on the topic of AI assistant tools for writers.

#AcademicTwitter #GradSchool #Dissertation #AcademicChatter #WritingCommunity #PhD #PhDLife #PhdChatter #PhDChat @OpenAcademics @PhD_Genie @PhDVoice

Academia and Self-Care (Part 2): Acceptance and Commitment

We consider some high-level thoughts about self-care, boundaries, and academia.

#AcademicTwitter #GradSchool #Dissertation #AcademicChatter #WritingCommunity #PhD #PhDLife #PhdChatter #PhDChat @OpenAcademics @PhD_Genie @PhDVoice

From the PhD to Professional Editing

Here at Clarity Doctors we turned to professional editing after finishing our PhDs. The transition from academia to editing is somewhat unusual, so we thought we’d share some of our […]

Artificial Intelligence, Writing, and Editing: GPT-3

In an earlier post, we considered some general issues around artificial intelligence, writing, and editing. This topic is both technically and existentially interesting, so today we’ll focus in more on […]

Draft 1 and the Crafting of Clarity from Abundant Chaos

We’ve already written a good deal about what it’s like to get stuck with writing, some strategies for overcoming stuckness, and what unstuck writing tends to feel like. Recently, we […]

Editing and the Style Guide: Between Flexibility and Consistency

Language is a beautiful, diverse, and evolving thing. This is the fundamental attitude we bring to our editing work. Because of this, we aim to clarify our clients’ voices within […]

Tools of the Trade: Microsoft Word’s Modern Comments Debacle

Academia and the editing world are close companions, and share a great number of tools. Most of these tools are software-based and make our skill-sets quite portable, which is a […]

Announcing Our First Writing Group for Grad Students

We’re excited to announce that we’re launching our first writing group! It’ll be free throughout July as we gather feedback, and it’ll move to a subscription service in August charged […]

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