We’re thrilled and proud to announce that today we are launching ClarityGPT (cGPT), a large language model that automates what we do as editors and academic coaches at all levels. ClarityGPT is trained on all our editing work over the past 12 years, as well as video and audio data from meetings with hundreds of grad students. Sign up today! Through the ClarityGPT API, you will get:
![Image shows a robot sitting on a bench with a group of roofing tiles laid out flat behind them to the left. The robot is typing on a keyboard. It's a surreal image.](https://i0.wp.com/claritydoctors.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/andrea-de-santis-zwd435-ewb4-unsplash.jpg?resize=311%2C388&ssl=1)
- Near-instant structural feedback on your work
- Near-instant copyediting of your work at all levels, in compliance with all relevant style guides—just select from a drop-down menu!
- “In-person” support over Zoom with our deepfake avatars that will offer basic emotional support and the occasional anecdote or wry witticism about grad school
With cGPT, you benefit directly:
- Rush jobs are just jobs now
- Write 10 papers per week!
- Arrange a meeting whenever you want—time zones are just times now
- You can use cGPT to train your supervisor (conditions apply)
- No more fiddly human errors in writing. Only pervasive algorithmic biases from now on.
We are looking forward to sitting back, fiddling with high-level cGPT parameters, and developing our long-term passion project, ClarityCoin,* which will use blockchain technology to optimize editing and payment, somehow.
Subscribe now! Get in on the ground floor! Special rate expires today at noon. Contact us here.